Al-Isra’ (Meaning: The Night Journey) is the 17th chapter (sūrah) of the Quran, with 111 verses (āyāt). Isra, in verse 1, refers to the “night-journey” of the prophet Muhammad. This surah is part of a series Al-Musabbihat surahs because it begins with the glorification of God.
Regarding the timing and contextual background of the believed revelation (asbāb al-nuzūl), it is an earlier “Meccan surah”, which means it is believed to have been revealed in Mecca, instead of later in Medina.
Surat Al-Israa: Darasa 1 Ayah 1
Surat Al-Israa: Darasa 2 Ayah 2
Surat Al-Israa: Darasa 3 Ayah 3-5
Surat Al-Israa: Darasa 4 Ayah 5-8
Surat Al Israa: Darasa 5 Ayah 9-15
Surat Al-Israa: Darasa 6 Ayah 16-21
Surat Al-Israa: Darasa 7 Ayah 22-29
Surat Al-Israa: Darasa 8 Ayah 30-34
Surat Al-Israa: Darasa 9 Ayah 35-39
Sural Al-Israa: Darasa 10 Ayah 40-46
Surat Al- Israa: Darasa 11 Ayah 47- 53
Surat Al-Israa: Darasa 12 Ayah 54-59
Surat Al-Israa: Darasa 13 Ayah 60-65
Surat Al-Israa: Darasa14 Ayah 66-71
Surat Al-Israa: Darasa 15 Ayah 72-79